More Summer Math for Palo Alto Kids!

Summer has come to an end for students in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and other local schools. Here are some summer themed problems to commemorate for your Palo Alto, Menlo Park student!

Palo Alto vacation math help

The Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Australia
Photo from

  1. You’re going to spend 3 weeks in Europe! You want to visit one city per week, which means that you get to visit 3 cities. Your choices are Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Munich, and Athens. How many different combinations of cities can you visit? (Hint: the order doesn’t matter!)
  2. You’re flying to Australia! Your flight leaves at 10:30 am in the morning (Palo Alto time), and lasts for 11 hours and 20 minutes. In Australia, your watch is set 19 hours FORWARD. What time is it in Australia when you arrive?
  3. You’re eating dim sum in Hong Kong and buy $50.25 worth of food. You pay a tax of 5.2%, and then you pay a tip of 15% (15% of the food and tax combined). How much money did you spend for lunch?
  4. Plane tickets to Argentina cost $1,620 and your family buys 12 tickets (for your grandparents and cousins too!) How much did they spend on plane tickets?

These summer math problems will keep you entertained for a little bit! Be sure to keep practicing your summer math skills, and to take advantage of this summer for some math tutoring and learning! For more information and recommendations for math practice, check out the Mathnasium of Palo Alto – Menlo Park’s website.


Summer Camp in Palo Alto

Summertime is coming up fast! This means one thing: what will my child be doing this summer? There are so many great summer camps in Palo Alto that your child should definitely try, but one thing that I highly suggest they do is enroll in Mathnasium’s summer camp. Summer is meant to relax and do non related school things, but the problem with that is as soon as school starts, children struggle and have a hard time doing math problems. Mathnasium can and will fix this problem. At Mathansium’s summer camp, we guide your child and help them in areas where they struggle as well as help them advance in math. Then, they will be fully prepared for their math class next year.

Other than Mathnasium’s fun summer math camp, there are lots of other ways your child can practice their math skills before coming to Mathnasium.

Junior Museum and Zoo

This is a nice, small zoo to take your child to. There are approximately 50 species of animals at this zoo, like bobcats, raccoons, hedgehogs, snakes, and more! Here, children can explore and discover all sorts of things. They also have science exhibits for  your child to admire and to even be a part of! This is a great place to take your child after or before coming to Mathnasium.

The Dish

The Palo Alto Dish

The Palo Alto Dish

The Dish is a great place to take your child on a summer morning. They will get lots of exercise as well as enjoy the fresh air and admire Palo Alto’s hidden treasure – the dish. You can start ‘quizzing’ your child in math by asking them to calculate how many feet, miles, and yards they walked.

Want more? Make sure to check out our other posts about summer camps around the bay area. In addition to registering for cool camps, don’t forget to leave time for relieving summer “brain drain” at Mathnasium this summer! Visit our website at


Summer Math Camp in Atherton

Mathnasium has a great summer math camp planned for this summer. We will help your child refresh on previously learned math skills as well as introduce to them new math skills. By enrolling in Mathnsaium’s summer math camp this summer, we will prevent your child’s brain drain. What makes Mathnasium a perfect math summer camp is that the parents get to choose the times and dates your child attends. Whether you want to drop them off everyday in the morning, every couple of days in the afternoon, or once a week, it is ALL up to you. This means that if your child wants to attend a different summer camp, they can. Drop them off at a sports camp (for example), and after you pick them up, drop them off at Mathnasium.


Atherton is a beautiful city. It is a really nice place to take your child on a walk on a beautiful summer day. As you and your child walk, you can quiz your child on their math skills before or after a session at Mathnasium’s summer math camp. Here are some questions you can ask:

  1. If Sarah and Susie walk 3 miles. How many yards did they walk? (1 mile = 1760 yards)
  2. If you walk past one tree, and then two combined trees, and then 4 combined trees, and then 8 combined trees, how many combined trees will you walk past next? What is the pattern?
  3. If Atherton is 1.9 miles away from Mathnasium, how many yards do you need to walk to get to Mathnasium?
  4. A drive to Mathnasium from Atherton is approximately 1.9 miles away. If your mom drives on average 35 miles per hour, how long will it take you to get to Mathnasium?

We hope to see your child this summer. For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at

Menlo Park Math Summer Camp

This summer, you should seriously consider enrolling your child in Mathnasium’s summer camp. At Mathnasium, we refine your child’s math skills. We will teach them tricks and show them easier ways to attack and handle problems. Our students use special packets that show them step by step instructions to do problems and our instructors are always by their side whenever they need some extra guidance. Mathnasium’s goal is to help your child excel and succeed in their math class at school; thus, by enrolling in Mathnasium’s summer camp, your child will be prepared for the upcoming school year. We will help remove all of your child’s struggles in math.

Unlike other camps that require your child to attend everyday for a specified hour, the time your child attends Mathnasium is up to you. You get to choose the time and dates your child attends. This way, your child can still have summer days filled with relaxation as well has having some days filled with math!

A great way to spend a day after your child attends Mathnasium’s summer camp is to go to Stanford Hills Park in Menlo Park (only a 7 minute drive from our Mathnasium location). This park is a great place to spend a summer day. You can bike, fly kites, roller blade, have a picnic, and much more! Your child will love this special location and it is a great way to treat your child after an hour of doing math.


We hope to see your child this summer. For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at


Summer Camp Fun in Menlo Park

There is nothing better than the thought that summer is only 4 months away. It is almost time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the summer sun. Summer vacation is usual about 75 days, which means that summer camp is a must to add to your child’s to do list this summer. By enrolling your child in a summer camp, your child will be able to do the things he or she loves as well as relax.

Here is a list of 4 possible summer camps for your child this up coming summer:

Menlo Mavericks

A summer camp for those who love to swim and play water polo!

Soccer Shots

If your child loves soccer, this is the perfect summer camp for them! It is designed to help teach and improve soccer skills while still having fun and making new friends.

Mini & Menlo Madness Summer Camp

This camp is perfect for all ages. The children will get to go on field trips, learn to cook, do art, play sports, and much, much more!

Camp Galileo

Camp Galileo combines science, arts, and outdoor activities to create a fun and exciting summer for your child.

summer camp

After going to one of these summer camps, you can always drop your child for an hour at the Palo Alto – Menlo Park Mathnasium. The great thing about Mathnasium is that you get to decide the times your child goes, and it does not have to be a daily thing either. For example, lets say your child joins the Menlo Mavericks summer camp. On your way home, you can drop your child off at Mathnasium. Or, you can drop your child off at Mathnasium before he or she goes to swimming/water polo practice. Enrolling in Mathnasium’s summer camp is very important because we will prepare them in math for the up coming school year.


We hope to see your child this summer. For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at



Mathnasium’s Summer Camp in Menlo Park

Menlo Park’s Mathnasium has a fabulous summer camp planned this year. By enrolling in Mathnasium’s summer camp, your child will be awesome at math! At Mathnasium, the curriculum is to make sure the child feels strong about their already learned material, and once that has been solidified, the child will be taught brand new math skills. Now, what’s great about Mathnasium’s summer camp is that the times your child goes doesn’t have to be set. You get to schedule when and for how long your child will be at the camp. This means that even if your child wants to do a martial arts camp, or basketball camp, or a painting camp, they can as well!


Menlo Park’s Mathnasium is also a very close to University Avenue and Stanford Shopping Center. After a great day of doing math, you can treat your child to their favorite meal or ice cream! Along the way, you can quiz them on their math skills. You can ask them questions like:

  1. if a drive to Stanford Shopping center takes 3 minutes from Mathnasium, and you drive at constant speed, what is the car’s speed?
  2. if your ice cream costs $4.68 and you pay with a five dollar bill, how much money will you get back? What about with a ten dollar bill? Twenty dollar bill?
  3. if you go to a restaurant and your meal costs $8.95, tax is 9.25%, and you tip them an amount of double the tax, how much money do you need to pay? How much money will you get back if you pay with a twenty dollar bill?

As you can see, math is everywhere. There are so many questions you can ask your child just from an everyday outing!

I hope to see your child this summer! For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at

Stanford Summer Camp

Even though it is only February, it is time to start considering which summer camps to enroll your child in. There are lots of fun and interesting summer camps in Stanford, including Mathnasium. Mathnasium is a perfect summer camp because it is in proximity to Safeway and to Stanford Shopping Center, which means, as your child strengthens his or her math skills, you can pick up some groceries or enjoy some time at Stanford Shopping Center. Every summer, children go through the classic brain drain, which is when kids forget what they learned the previous year. At Mathnasium, we will make sure this doesn’t happen! We will strengthen their current math skills and help them excel in new skills as well. Also, unlike some summer camps, you get to choose the times and dates your child comes to Mathnasium. This means, your child can go to Mathnasium as well as go to a different summer camp before or after Mathnasium.



Here are some fun summer camps in Stanford your child can attend after coming or before coming to Mathnasium.

Stanford Sports Camps

This is a perfect camp a sports loving child. Children between age 5 – 18 can attend. Here, they will learn to master their skill in a sport as well as have fun and make new friends. Check out their website for a list of sports.

Education Unlimited Camp at Stanford

This camp is great for children between 4th and 12th grade. It is a perfect summer camp for those children interested in computer science, movie making, and other technology techniques.

iD Tech Camp

This camp is for 7 – 18 year olds. It is an overnight camp that teaches children how to make 2-D and 3-D video games as well as how to make websites, movies, and more!

This is just a small list of possible summer camps at Stanford this summer.

Want more? Make sure to check out our other posts about summer camps around the bay area. In addition to registering for cool camps, don’t forget to leave time for relieving summer “brain drain” at Mathnasium this summer! Visit our website at

Choosing a Summer Camp in Palo Alto

Summer is a time for children to have fun and do what they love. They can go to a summer camp or just relax; the options are endless. A great way for your child to spend their summer is to go to Palo Alto Mathnasium’s summer camp. Here, they will get to review what they already know, along with expand their knowledge. By coming to Palo Alto Mathnasium’s summer camp, your child will be ready to excel in math for the next school year!


Summer Activities

  1. A great way for your child to put their thinking cap on is to take them to the Tech Museum in San Jose. They have lots of really interesting exhibits and activities for your child to do. Unlike other museums, this museum involves thinking and “putting the puzzle pieces together.” It is a great way to spend a summer day with your child.
  2. Another great museum is the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Like the Tech Museum, the Exploratorium also requires cognitive thinking. Here your child will learn why things happen.

Mathnasium Summer Camp in Palo Alto

I highly suggest you to consider Mathnasium’s summer camp as an option for your child this summer. Unlike other summer camps, the time your child comes is very flexible. You can drop your child off at almost any time for an hour to learn more math. As previously said, the Mathnasium summer camp will make a huge difference in your child’s math skills for the up coming school year.

We hope to see your child this summer! For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at


Menlo Park Summer Camp

Don’t want your child to have the classic “brain drain” this summer? Choose Menlo Park Mathnasium’s summer camp for your child this summer. By doing this, your child will start the 2014 – 2015 school year remembering math skills from last year, and will be ready to excel in math next year.

Summer in Menlo Park

There are so many things for your child to do this summer. They can go to many different summer camps and relax as much as possible. Luckily, Menlo Park Mathnasium alsohas a great summer camp. During your child’s free time, drop them off at Menlo Park’s Mathnasium for an hour for them to brush up on math skills. Unlike other camps, they do not need to come every day. You, the parent, gets to choose the time.


Math During the Summer

Other than going to Menlo Park Mathnasium’s summer camp, you can quiz your child on their math skills on day trips or even on a day when you’re relaxing at home.

  1. While driving in the car, tell them your speed and ask them to calculate how far you will drive in a specific amount of time. You can make this problem more difficult by giving your child a time like 1 hour and 4 minutes.
  2. While making breakfast, ask your child to calculate the area of objects like fruits, plates, and their food. You can also ask them to calculate surface area, perimeter, and volume!
  3. If you go to the beach, ask them to calculate the average rate of a wave hitting the shore.

As you can see, math is found everywhere! Questions like these will ensure your child will not forget their math skills.

We hope to see your child at our summer camp! For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at

Palo Alto Mathnasium Summer Camp

There are so many fun summer camps to enroll your child in this coming summer. Whether it is a sports summer camp or an arts summer camp, the options are endless. Palo Alto’s Mathnasium also is an awesome option for your child’s summer camp. Whether you want to drop your child off every day for an hour, or maybe once a week, Palo Alto’s Mathnasium will always be overjoyed to help your child. What is so great about Palo Alto Mathnasium’s summer camp is that YOU get to choose the hours. It isn’t like every summer camp that has a set list of days and hours; Palo Alto Mathnasium’s summer camp is very flexible. That means that your child can still be in a summer camp of their choice (like sports, arts, etc), and in their free time they can drop by Palo Alto’s Mathnasium to practice and get better at math.

At the Palo Alto Mathnasium, we will make sure your child has loads of fun during our summer camp. Our math packets are designed to improve every child’s math struggles. We will work with them and help them with subjects in math they struggle with. We also have many fun, math games for them to play!


Summer Camp Math Problem

  1. Brandy loves to swim. Her parents enroll her in a swimming summer camp. Her swimming camp goes from 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM. Palo Alto Mathnasium is 25 minutes away from her swimming  camp.
  • How many hours is her swimming camp?
  • If Brandy gets in her parent’s car at 3:00, and her parent drives at 45 miles per hour. How long will it take her to get to Palo Alto Mathnasium’s summer camp?
  • What time will Brandy get to Palo Alto Mathnasium’s summer camp?


For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at