Money Math in Palo Alto

Less Than Zero by Stuart J. Murphy is a wonderful math story of Perry the penguin who wants to buy an ice scooter but does not have enough clams to do so. In this story, clams are used as a form of currency that is equivalent to our dollar bills. While saving up for his scooter, Perry keeps track of how many clams he has on a graph. The story Less Than Zero will teach your child how to graph and use money. When Perry first learns to use clams, he spends all of them and has to borrow clams from friends. He soon realizes that borrowing money from other people only increases his debt, hence the title less than zero clams, and he will need to earn more clams to get to his goal of buying an ice scooter. Eventually, Perry finds a job and saves up enough clams to get his ice scooter. Perry’s persistence will teach your child that they are able to save up money to purchase items that they really want. If they want something badly enough, they will find ways to control their impulse to spend money on items they want simply because they are available. As your child follows Perry’s graph, they might even be inspired to make their own.

A great way for you and your child to spend time together while doing math is by taking your child to Palo Alto’s ice skating rink! Use the same techniques Perry used with your child. Give your Palo Alto child a currency that he or she would need to convert to dollars. Your child will not only have fun reenacting Perry’s dilemma, but he or she will also get to practice their math skills. Less Than Zero will teach your child valuable skills and I definitely recommend this book to all young children in the Palo Alto-Menlo Park area.


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Math Rhymes (at the Palo Alto Public Library!)

Greg Tang’s Math Potatoes will be a child and parent favorite. This fun, poetic collection of stories presents math in a way that will leave your child craving more. Math Potatoes uses a combination of beautiful illustrations and brief, catchy rhymes to lure your child into the book. Your child will hardly even realize that they are solving difficult math problems! With easy to remember and incredibly useful tips and tricks, this book will  simplify math and make math easier for your child which will help them succeed in school. Math Potatoes is by far the best book to add to your child’s mathematical toolbox. At the end of the book, there is a summary of the math concepts and tricks introduced in each story along with the answers.  The work is shown! This will allow your child to check their answers and solidify their new knowledge. Checking out math books will most definitely help your child remember and store the information they learned from the book. Visual explanations of math problems are proven to be beneficial for learning. At Palo Alto Menlo Park Mathnasium, we have a large selection of books. Be sure to check them out as you wait for your child to finish their session. After your child’s session at Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park, head over to the local Palo Alto or Redwood City library and pick up a copy of this incredible  must-read book.


For more fun ways to learn math, visit the Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park.

Dinosaur Math in Palo Alto

Tyrannosaurus Math was born with an affinity for math. As soon as he hatches from his shell, he counts his fingers and toes. In my favorite math story to date, math makes T-Math the smartest and most powerful dinosaur in all the land. This book is the perfect read for your dinosaur-loving, aspiring mathematician child. The story will capture your child’s attention from the start and they will be eager to implicate T-Math’s problem-solving strategies in their own life so they too can be the smartest and most powerful of their kind. T-Math’s excitement for math will inspire your child to approach math with the same eagerness and positive attitude. Throughout the story, T-Math’s family is uninterested in learning mathematics. Once T-Math uses math to rescue his sister who is left stranded after the ground splits open from an earthquake, his siblings realize math’s powerful potential. From then on, T-Math taught his family math, allowing his family to solve all of the problems that came their way. Overall, this book combines good story-telling with various math problems that your child will need to know while attending elementary school in the Palo Alto, Atherton, or Menlo Park school district as well as at other schools in the Bay Area. For more fun ways to learn math, visit the Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park.

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Wizard Word Problems in Palo Alto

In Anno’s Magic Seeds, Mitsumasa Anno cleverly weaves mathematics into a story of Jack, a wizard, and a plant. At the beginning of the story, the wizard gives Jack two seeds and tells him to eat one seed and plant the other seed. In the fall, the planted seed is supposed to grow and give Jack two more seeds. As the child follows the story of Jack and his magic plant, Anno asks the child to draw upon their knowledge of addition, subtraction,and multiplication. The author asks questions that you can solve with your child to keep them engaged in the story and learning math. The math problems get progressively more difficult as the story goes on and the seeds continue to reproduce. Anno’s Magic Seeds teaches children that math can be fun, practical, and profitable. Anno encourages you to plant the seeds of knowledge in your child and allow them to multiply. Anno’s Magic Seeds is a fun and exciting way to introduce word problems and basic operations to your child. For parents with children in the Palo Alto/ Menlo Park area, I recommend heading to the Books Inc. at Town and Country or Kepler’s and picking up this wonderful read.

For more fun ways to learn math, visit the Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park.

Word problem math book for Palo Alto

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