Feel like earning some of your own spending money? Have some extra free time? Want to gain work experience and some more responsibility? Consider getting a part-time job!
While Atherton students are extraordinarily busy with school, with friends, and with family, having a part-time job in high school is a rewarding experience in its own right. In this week’s blog post, the staff at the Mathnasium of Palo Alto – Menlo Park compiled some tips and advice about having a part-time job in high school. Much of the staff at Mathnasium are or started off working as high school students!
Part-Time Job Tips
- Put together a regular work schedule. Maybe you have a couple hours to spare right after school every day. Or maybe you only want to work on weekends or during the summer. Regardless, make sure that you can commit a regular amount of hours to your job each week, while also being able to balance work, school, and downtime.
- Be open-minded about the jobs you can work part-time. Consider being a tutor for kids in your local Atherton neighborhood. You could also work retail at a store at the mall, or serve at a restaurant. As a high schooler, you will learn from whatever job you decide to take. An ideal part-time job will be able to teach you responsibility, dependability, patience, and flexibility.
- Apply for some part-time jobs! Put together a resume of the extracurriculars you do outside of school as well as the grades you’ve earned. Find one or two references (non-relatives) who might be able to provide a good recommendation in case possible employers ask for one. Apply broadly and don’t give up! If you start a couple months early, possibly in March or April, you’ll definitely be able to find a job for the summer!
We hope that these tips helped you think about the possibility of getting a part-time job in your local Atherton area. For more fun ways to learn, visit the Mathnasium of Palo Alto – Menlo Park.