The wait is over! We know you have been anticipating this for a long time…. alas, you can now enjoy the glorious pleasures felt with math during meal times. It’s called edible math. Here at Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park, we take every chance we get to enlighten a regular sandwich into a “tanwich”. What is a tanwich? According to Bedtime Math, a math blog, a tanwich is a tangram sandwich, a new venture in combining the realms of math with food.
How does one create a Tanwich?
Tangrams are Chinese geometric puzzles involving seven different shapes all creating a square and rearranging them to assemble a completely new design. Tangrams are great for learning about different shapes and improving students’ thinking techniques.
Here are the steps:
Make a regular sandwich
Cut the crusts off in order to make your sandwich a perfect square
Cut the sandwich into 7 different pieces. The pieces should be two large triangles, one medium triangle, two small triangles, a square, and a parallelogram. You can cut the sandwich into any design you want.
Once you have your tanwich, you can start rearranging your edible design into a variety of geometric patterns. Need inspiration? Check out this awesome blog with their own tanwich designs. However don’t stop with just sandwiches, try to turn as many foods as you can into tangram designs.
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