Menlo Park Summer Camp

Don’t want your child to have the classic “brain drain” this summer? Choose Menlo Park Mathnasium’s summer camp for your child this summer. By doing this, your child will start the 2014 – 2015 school year remembering math skills from last year, and will be ready to excel in math next year.

Summer in Menlo Park

There are so many things for your child to do this summer. They can go to many different summer camps and relax as much as possible. Luckily, Menlo Park Mathnasium alsohas a great summer camp. During your child’s free time, drop them off at Menlo Park’s Mathnasium for an hour for them to brush up on math skills. Unlike other camps, they do not need to come every day. You, the parent, gets to choose the time.


Math During the Summer

Other than going to Menlo Park Mathnasium’s summer camp, you can quiz your child on their math skills on day trips or even on a day when you’re relaxing at home.

  1. While driving in the car, tell them your speed and ask them to calculate how far you will drive in a specific amount of time. You can make this problem more difficult by giving your child a time like 1 hour and 4 minutes.
  2. While making breakfast, ask your child to calculate the area of objects like fruits, plates, and their food. You can also ask them to calculate surface area, perimeter, and volume!
  3. If you go to the beach, ask them to calculate the average rate of a wave hitting the shore.

As you can see, math is found everywhere! Questions like these will ensure your child will not forget their math skills.

We hope to see your child at our summer camp! For more information about Mathnasium of Palo Alto-Menlo Park and other unique word problems, visit our website at

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